Good day ladies and gentlemen my brother's and sisters out there today we are going to talk about  how to get the marriage right firstly what bible say about two couples what are there body represent and how to hold on to the body and find a perfect gentleman or perfect girl. Secondly can two work together except they agreed if you ever find yourself a partner why don't you sit back  relax and study your partner perfectly before going into long term relationship with him or her instead we are in hurry maybe my friend are getting married so I need to or I am getting older what people we say while some face the challenges of family I wonder why some people can't see the way you see and it easy for them to judge relax I will be telling you how to get marriage right in another part watch out till then stay bless remember you have power to control your life keep it safe your past will only become your history it can't hide or forget don't useless yourself you are bless


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