Daily inspiration words of wisdom

However, regarding the ambassadors of the princes of Babylon, whom they sent to him to inquire about the wonder that was done in the land, God withdrew from him, in order to test him, that He might know all that was in his heart. (v.31 NKJV)
Halleluiah! Halleluiah!! Halleluiah!!!
Continue to honour the GOD of the entire universe in your heart this day. Sing special songs from your heart to HIM. I pray that HE honours your fellowship and may HE bless you greatly. Amen!
King Hezekiah was an outstanding ruler in his days as the king of Judah. He feared GOD in all his dealings, and the LORD commanded HIS blessing on him in return. He knew the great GOD so much that in HIS name he overturned every war that was waged against him. When he was sick unto death, he felt it was not time for him to die and he called on GOD and HE delivered him. What is your relationship with GOD like? Are you enjoying the joy of salvation that GOD gives through Jesus Christ? 
At a time in Hezekiah’s life, he became proud in his heart and he displeased GOD in this attitude. Unfortunately, his people got caught up in this pride and they misbehaved; but GOD delivered them from evils because they eventually humbled their heart. 
I want you to be humble enough to know the state of your heart this time (and always). With the way things are turning for you, are you growing proud against GOD in your heart? Are you careful to observe that you are gradually falling out of grace? The increase in your property; the favor you feel you are enjoying from GOD; the answer you are constantly receiving for your prayers; the successes you are having in your deals; the supposed victories you are having over the enemy’s challenges; and other good things can make you to be growing inwardly with pride; these can make GOD to withdraw from you. And where things have not been running well and you are filled with bitterness and hatred for others in your heart is another evil. Do all that will help you to keep the Spirit of GOD within you. Your different situations can be test of your faithfulness to GOD. Take time to pray concerning every issue before you. Pray that GOD will never leave you. May you grow strong in grace. Amen!


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