I have raised him up in righteousness, And I will direct all his ways; He shall build My city And let My exiles go free, Not for price nor reward," Says the LORD of hosts. (v.13 NKJV)
There is GOD like Jehovah. There is King like the LORD. There is no authority like the one in the Maker; may HIS will be done in our lives. May Jesus, the Christ rule over all that concern us forever. May GOD ever rejoice concerning us in Jesus name.
You are GOD’S secret work in your mother’s womb, but you cannot be hidden here on earth. You are one GOD’S glorious works to announce and display the power of the Maker of the heaven and the earth to people all around. You have been designed to put to shame the evil works of darkness and expose those who delight in the worship of false gods. Jesus Christ has been revealed that you may have power and authority to execute your GOD given assignment to the glory of GOD. You do not need to be afraid of how you shall go about this, because His Spirit will lead you through. You need not to be bothered where the resources to accomplish this will come from, GOD will cause nations and people to supply your needs according to HIS riches in glory by Christ Jesus. You have a glorious assignment. Do it!
Our world is in trouble because Satan has hijacked the heart of man that the LORD made to care for it. The pollution is so much that people run after false gods made with woods or carved in metals. The fear of the Supreme GOD is reduced because hearts have been deceived unto falsehood in wickedness. The love for money, for selfish ends and wicked purposes are growing. Wars, diseases, sicknesses are increasing; yet, a lot of people are not careful in their ways to serve the only true GOD.
GOD made you to help put things in order. You are in this generation because HE wants you to be HIS instruments to silence the raging noise of the evil one. The weapon you need is in the name of Jesus Christ. The power you need is in His Spirit.
Praise the LORD and the Saviour, Jesus Christ. Command that every captive of the enemy be loose unto liberty. Decree healing to the ones in the chains of sicknesses. Speak the power of the saving grace upon the lost. Shalom!


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