He therefore answered, “I don’t know if he is a sinner. One thing I do know: that though I was blind, now I see.”  (v.25 WEB)
There are many things known to you that other people do not know; and there are other things about you that cannot be hidden; some can easily be identified with and others cannot; I pray the LORD GOD touches every department of your life and remove from you things that make others not to identify with you because they are shameful or disgraceful, in Jesus Christ name.
When the man that was born blind was a beggar, no one could call him to be witness to any significant event, but when Jesus Christ touched and made him well, he became sought after. He could preach to the custodian of the law what he had known, what he had touched and what he had experienced. He was proud of it and no one could change his testimony about the Man who gave him sight and a new life. He knew the Man would not have been a sinner; he knew the man must be a true worshipper of GOD and was sent from HIM; he knew GOD hears the Man, and that was why the Man could do such a mighty miracle in his life. What do you know about Jesus Christ? Do you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD? Do you believe He will give you a miracle today? Will you testify of His goodness all your life?
Jesus Christ has come that He put all the lies and the liars that have been operating within and around you to shame. It is time that every wrong testimony be discredit and a true story surfaces. By the grace of GOD in Christ Jesus, your testimony shall be that once I was blind, now I can see; once I was a sinner, now I am saved. Once I was in sickness, pains and afflicted with diseases, but now, I am healed, well and whole; my life has entirely changed for the netter and I have peace and joy. 
You need to stand upright, bold and strong from this moment; you need to allow the power of GOD through Jesus Christ operate totally in and through you. You need to deal with your weaknesses and call on GOD for new strength by HIS Spirit. A true change is possible; a new story and a new song you will sing.
Fervently pray for the touch of GOD on you and for a friend in need. May you be a true testimony of Christ’s salvation.


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