Some Pharisees came to him and tried to trap him. "Tell us," they asked, "does our Law allow a man to divorce his wife?"(v.2 GNB) ​
Good laws are spelt out to guide and to keep people from doing wrong things; but the enemy of the soul understands the limitations of the power of the law, so he works in people to re-create laws to suit their sinful intentions. I pray that the Spirit of the Almighty GOD will guide your heart in the truth of HIS word. May He preserve and keep you and all yours from every evil. May the program of the enemy never prevail in you, in your home, in your business, and in all your affairs, in Jesus name.
Marriage is indeed honourable; and every party involved should be live honourably in accordance with the term of reference till death will do the parting. Let everyone going into marriage understand the terms according to the will of GOD. The honour and beauty of marriage cannot be achieved by common human efforts; only GOD that instituted marriage has the power to help in making a good success of it. So get HIS help; let HIM be involved in your home and in the running of all your affairs.
Are you having issues in your marital life now? Do not be discouraged. Do not seek to be separated or divorced. Get to understand the LORD’S purpose for you in life, and determine to live to please HIM at all cost. That is why Jesus Christ was presented. The Pharisees could not easily understand Him, yet Jesus Christ would not stop saying the truth, for it is the LORD’S will. Act like His Disciples did by seeking to know more and be better. Divorce is not the LORD’S will, neither is it an option; and it can never be the solution to problems in the real home or family. GOD has placed the key to solving the problems in your marital life in Jesus Christ. Take Him as your Lord and savior!
There is coming a bigger and better marriage at the end of all things; you and I will be among the bride, and the big Bridegroom shall be glad to have us and other saints with Him in His Father’s Kingdom. So be it in Jesus Christ, name. Amen!
Do pray for GOD’S intervention in homes ready to crumble. Pray GOD’S leading for those in ‘courtship’. May GOD’S Kingdom come upon us and our people for HIS glory. Amen!


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