He told his mother, "When someone stole those eleven hundred pieces of silver from you, you put a curse on the robber. I heard you do it. Look, I have the money. I am the one who took it." His mother said, "May the LORD bless you, my son!" (v.2 GNB)
To GOD be the glory for all HE is doing in our lives. I pray that HE continue to be our King and Shepherd through the Grace in HIS Son, Jesus Christ and by the help of HIS Spirit. Amen!
Wrong deeds are prevalent in our world today; and many people had taken what is wrong to be right as they live under the deceit and the control of the common enemy of the soul of mankind. I pray that GOD’S Spirit will prevail in us and in all that we do, that we dwell not in wrongs and that we get it right when we go wrong.
The young man in this story, Micah, was wrong to have taken his mother’s money without prior notice; and he decided to restore when he heard that his mother had placed a curse on the thief. He was wrong to think that stealing to make images as gods would be a means of appeasing GOD. He was wrong to be doing things like one who had not known the laws of GOD. Think on these.
The mother too was wrong in using her mouth to curse instead of to praise GOD. No matter how hurt you might feel over a matter, please do not misuse your tongue or language. She was also wrong in encouraging that her money be used in making images when she ought to know and dwell in the truth. Do not use your wealth or other resources for the wrong purpose(s). GOD gave them to you that you may serve and worship HIM in truth with them. 
We were not informed of what made the young Levite leave Bethlehem in Judah to seek for another place to live - to seek for GOD or for ‘greener pasture’? For whatever reason, it was clear that GOD did not send him; maybe it was simply youthful exuberance. This young Levite was wrong by not displaying the righteous qualities of a true Levite; he should not have agreed to be a priest of GOD by using idols. He should have quickly pointed out the wrong to Micah; but he could not because of the pleasure and perhaps the pride of being called the priest of a rich man. Selah!
Pray that the LORD put you right wherever you been wrong. Ask for the leading of the Spirit of GOD in your affairs. Shalom!


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