Some therefore of the Pharisees said, “This man is not from God, because he doesn’t keep the Sabbath.” Others said, “How can a man who is a sinner do such signs?” There was division among them.HYPERLINK "_XREF_722014208:671875584|tw://bible.*?id=40.12.2|verse:43.9.16|modid:web" (v.16 WEB)
Since Christ was born thousands of years ago, and even after His death and resurrection, the enemy had never stopped attacking Him or His name, or anyone that bears His name, or has experienced the loving-kindness of GOD through faith in His name. May the Lord be pleased to defend His name in your life.
When a people were to be glad that someone was truly helped out of infirmity by Jesus Christ, and that others with different forms of afflictions were taken to Him for help, they were instead questioning the authenticity of the miracle, especially when it was done on a Sabbath. These people refused to have their mindset changed to accommodate the saving power that is in Jesus Christ; they were always looking for proofs to disprove His claim of being the One sent from GOD to save mankind from the power of Satan, sin and his demonic agents. Yet, GOD will not stop proving HIS power to save, heal and to bless through the name of this Jesus Christ. May GOD use you to prove HIS love to others through the name of Jesus Christ this day and this season. May Jesus’ precious name do wonders in your life as you submit to GOD’S love and power by your faith in this Christ.
The attack on the personality and the name of Christ will not stop until the end of all things. As the Pharisees and the people that do not believe in the divinity of Christ were looking for evidences to discredit Him then, so is it still going on now. Do not be discouraged about any of these evil manipulations. Do not doubt the authenticity of Jesus Christ as the only true Saviour and helper of your soul. Do not doubt the testimonies and miracles that you see or hear happening in other lives in the name of Christ. Do not be discouraged that you are faced with more challenges because of your faith in Jesus Christ. GOD shall prove you right and give you a resounding testimony in Jesus name.
As you pray to GOD for yourself, do sincerely pray for someone to have a miracle in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!


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