"Thus says the LORD of hosts: 'Let your hands be strong, You who have been hearing in these days These words by the mouth of the prophets, Who spoke in the day the foundation was laid For the house of the LORD of hosts, That the temple might be built. (v.9 NKJV)
For reasons that may not be far-fetched, many people had lost the chances for their uplifting and breakthroughs in life. Careless or foolish talks or jestings (unbridled tongue), foolish spending and abuse of funds; engagement with immoral peers and involvement in wicked practices; do not forget laziness, lackadaisical attitude, faithlessness, unfaithfulness and the unwillingness to make right changes at the appropriate time as some of the reasons that have affected other people in life. I pray that the mercy of GOD will be shown to us again this time, and we will not take this chance in vain. It is well with you in Jesus name.
GOD was strong in HIS declarations through Prophet Zechariah; HE wanted the remnants that were hearing HIS message to be strong and be courageous in taking the right action as HE desired. HE would not want them to lose or misuse the opportunity before them. GOD warned them to desist from actions that made the others to fail and perish; if they do not act rightly, they will likewise perish. But when they go strong in faith to observe the commands of the LORD to do, GOD will be committed to fulfill all HIS good promises and execute all to the letter.
Beloved, let your hands be strong to see GOD work out what you cannot ordinarily achieve. Be strong in the faith that is in Jesus Christ, for this is a way to please GOD, Be strong in making others know the truth of GOD’S word as you preach and live it.
So again in these days I am determined to do good To Jerusalem and to the house of Judah. Do not fear.- You are the new Judah because of your faith in Jesus Christ. Your land is the new Jerusalem because you have made it the habitation of GOD. Be strong in your belief that GOD is determined to do good to you and all that concern you. The waiting partners shall be married; waiting parent shall conceive and deliver safely good children. Good jobs shall come in Jesus name.


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