We cannot understand the great things he does, and to his miracles there is no end (v.10 GNB)
Believe this, it is a wonder to be alive this day. There are several tormentors by day and terrors by night in the past days and seasons; yet GOD kept us safely because of HIS love. May other wonderful works of GOD be made manifest in your affairs this time; may you be changed as HE makes you a wonder to many.
Job and his friends got on with words according to their knowledge and understanding of the works of GOD in their time and among their people. No one could believe what happened to Job could be his portion at that time; the friends thought he had offended GOD in a way and what he was going through was part of his punishments; the wife advised him to curse GOD and die. Job had no ready answer, but he could share in a way what he had understood about the mighty GOD. Reading through this portion of the Bible should make us think of the greatness of GOD and rejoice at the gift of redemption through Jesus Christ.
No one knew the secret behind Job’s misfortunes; not even his friends understood the cause of his miseries; but GOD knew what the enemy, Satan took permission for, and what he was doing. If it had not been for the LORD’S mercy through Christ, we all would have been doomed. The accuser challenges GOD because of us, but the blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ pleads our case to victory. This is a basic wonder of GOD, take it in wisely!
Job in answer to some of his friends challenges encouraged himself in the wonders of GOD he could recount; yet, he could not mention all, because they are numerous and GOD had not stopped working wonders. Are you taking time to speak out the wonders of GOD you know and what you can see HIM do around you? Instead of talking about your miseries or supposed failures, talk about the wonders you have heard or seen GOD performed, not only in your life, but in other people too. Encourage yourself that the pains you have now will give way to GOD’S peace.
By the grace of GOD in Christ Jesus, may GOD shake out your troubles and restore to you good health, peace and joy. May the LORD overturn the plan of the enemy and settle you.


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