"And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins." (v.21 NKJV)
Something unique and glorious is set to happen to you this time; be hopeful, be faithful. Set yourself apart unto the LORD no matter the challenge(s), You shall not be put to shame; you shall not be disappointed; in the name of Jesus Christ may you be helped. This is the day of the LORD, rejoice and be glad. Amen!
Name is not just a means of identification; it can define a personality for good when that person is hooked to a Mighty GOD. There were many Marys and Josephs in the time of this record as specified in the Holy Scriptures, but this Mary and this Joseph came out uniquely favored and blessed. Mary did keep herself from being corrupted by lust; Bro Joseph too did; they did not give themselves to wrong influences of peer pressures and sinful desires that were common among young people (even in their days). The angel of GOD found them faithful and worthy vessels to be the foster parents of our Lord. How unique are you?
Check around, see what things easily make people around you fail GOD, the Creator; could it be pride, or is it lustful desires. To some young people it is youthful exuberance; and to others, it is the uncontrollable desire for the opposite sex, strong drink and may be other corrupt tendencies. Times may be hard, do make yourself strong to trust GOD without an element of doubt. Amen!
Many children were born at the time of the birth of this Son of GOD, but only One was chosen to save His people from their sins. Many children born at that time might have been given the name Jesus (Yeshua, Joshua, Jehovah saves), but only One is the Christ. The angel specifically spelt this out to His foster parents. GOD in HIS love permits that as many as would believe in this Christ, have the power to be ‘children of GOD’; and not this alone, they have the power to save others from their sins. Please, make a choice to be saved by this Jesus Christ and be one of the saviors of other sinners through the name of Jesus Christ.
Thank GOD for the gift of Jesus Christ. Pray that this Jesus be revealed to every of your family member this season. May their be deliverance for you on all sides in Jesus name.



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