And the angel answered and said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. (v.35 NKJV)
A blessed and glorious season this shall be to you; good news shall come for you from far and from near. May this be the set time to favor you. May the power of the most High GOD make pleasant things in righteousness happen for you in Jesus name.
The virgin Mary got a visitation from an unexpected and rare visitor. Angelic visitations are not very common among the people; and anyone with such experience would definitely be afraid. But the angel that visited Mary strengthened her faith and made it clear to her that she was highly favored blessed among women. I pray the LORD will search us out among others and favor us with pleasant and glorious gifts that will be of benefits to all. 
When the LORD is set to help a people, HE would look for a favored vessel to use; when it was time for the world to be blessed with the unfailing promise of GOD, HE found a favored virgin for the divine conception. In your environment and among your people, I believe there is a need to be supplied; there may be someone or some people to be favored and blessed with good gift of salvation and other pleasant things, may the LORD find you as a worthy vessel to use. I trust the LORD that this is the season for someone to be favorably blessed indeed. It is not going to be by the power or might of any man, it is going to be by the Spirit of the LORD; if Mary that had not known a man could have a divine conception, a divine provision for you and for all that concern you shall not be impossible; for GOD shall do it.  
It is only GOD by HIS favorable power that can make a virgin conceive; it is only GOD that can see a pregnancy last its season unto full maturity without complications even at the child’s birth. It can only be GOD that can make the impossible possible for you in life. It can only be the divine power of GOD that can turn the hopeless situation around for a glorious testimony. It will only be GOD at work for you this time. No one will share any glory with HIM.
May you get the divine power at work in you for Jesus’ sake.


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