But those who are waiting for the Lord will have new strength; they will get wings like eagles: running, they will not be tired, and walking, they will have no weariness. (v.31 BBE)
Praise the LORD! Our GOD is so good, so great and so mighty, there is nothing that HE cannot do. Who can be compared with HIM? In Heaven and on earth, there is none like HIM. By the Word of GOD you shall live, because HIS Word lives forever. GOD is patient; HE is faithful. HE is loving and kind. HE is never weary in reaching out to all with HIS forgiving arm and helping hands. HE has been doing wonderful things in the past, and this season, HE will do more than can be imagined. HE is the LORD!
It is very possible that some of your prayer points before the LORD have not received the favorable response you desired; this cannot change GOD from being who HE is. I hope you will learn to wait patiently on HIM. There is indeed an appointed time; but do not ask when your time shall be. I pray that HIS will shall come to pass in you without delay. May you be filled with grace. 
We are in the time of great disappointment by others; no flesh should be relied on as the helper. Every flesh is subject to one weakness or the other; the strength of all flesh shall grow weak sometime to come. But GOD does not go weak in HIS strength, neither can HE get tired by any burden or load of care of the people. HE is the only true and dependable GOD. The gods of woods and stones had disappointed many in the past; and they will continue to disappoint others, for they are no gods but instruments of satanic deceits. Shall you rely on such? No! GOD has no rival. Never ever fail in waiting on HIM, even at this time!
It is high time you discovered the secret of gaining strength in the LORD; lay hold on HIS word of grace; have faith in the Jesus Christ He sent to save and help everyone in the world. Let HIS Spirit be your confidant, consultant, and comforter. Wait on the LORD!
Ask the LORD to give you strength where you have been weak. Pray that the Christ of GOD will be revealed to many hearts this season. Ask HIS comfort for the oppressed and the afflicted. By the power of the Most High, I pray that pain and sickness shall be over and you shall have great relief in the name of Jesus Christ.


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