And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. (v.2 NKJV)
Blessed are you this day and always. You are one of the priviledge few to see the breaking of the day and enjoy another weather in the programme and blessings of GOD. May the LORD bring a refreshing to you, spirit soul and body in Jesus name.
GOD is so good, and HE had never kept HIS goodness to HIMSELF and the heavenly beings alone, HE makes sure you and I benefit from HIS wonderful love through Jesus Christ. HE wants us to learn this great quality in HIM, and we must ensure this is well carried out as we pass on the truth that we have learnt in the life of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ to others.
One good quality in every notable leader is his ability to raise disciples after the nature of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The usual ‘self’ [my own, myself, my thing] should be discouraged. We need to learn Christ good characters and live it to the fullest (to best of our ability) that others may gain from it. Simply put, we need to do what we have learnt (a better way to pass the message) and subsequently teach people to do same. Sometimes, Christ teachings and ways are hard, but a true disciple has no choice but to follow the way of His master; let the people we raise learn this too. Your immediate neighbours, siblings and friends may be the next people to commit the deeds of Christ Jesus to, begin now and be strong in the grace that is in Him.
There are so many distractions from the truth these times. There are so many false teachers and deceitful workers. There are many people who will claim to be for Christ and are not willing to go through the soldier-like training a true disciple must go through. You need to be watchful; you need to be careful; you need to be determined to know the truth and live by the truth. What have learnt about Christ that you will want others to know and do? Pray that you will live in Christ life to the fullest and overflow to change other lives for the better in the will of GOD. Pray that the LORD expose all deceitful workers in Christ vineyard. May your faith in Christ be strengthened. Amen!


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