Say kind words to the heart of Jerusalem, crying out to her that her time of trouble is ended, that her punishment is complete; that she has been rewarded by the Lord's hand twice over for all her sins. (v.2 BBE)
There will come an end to a bad story, situation or event when there is an intervention by the LORD of lords. This has happened before, and a grand heavenly design is making another to happen again. The GOD of the whole Universe in HIS mercy has brought on you a season of great and positive change. A message of hope and new life has come for you. May the grand design of the King of kings be fulfilled in your life in Jesus name. 
Beloved, make your heart ready; make your way right; receive the help of GOD to make all things new and well with you in life. It does not matter the nature of distortion in life and programme that you have experienced thus far, all that you need is to let the message of Jesus Christ for a change come into you. The depth of sin shall be cleared and the grievous work of affliction by the evil one shall be stopped as the you receive mercy that flows from the blood of Jesus Christ and get His grace to help in need.
There are obviously several voice crying; and there are several news being spread; but the voice of the messenger of our GOD shall be clear to you, and HIS message shall bring you relief. It is time to believe in the report of the LORD for your life and situation; just like the grass becomes dry, and the flower goes dead because the breadth of the LORD goes over it, so shall it be to everything that might be troubling your heart, mind and body, as the Word of GOD goes over the situation this day and time. The period of weeping is come to an end; the time of waiting for a godly spouse; for fruit of the womb; for a new job or project or even to complete a seemingly abandoned project is ended as the good LORD works HIS will to come to pass in your life. Receive this message, and share the good news to all; the promise of a savior of the world by GOD was fulfilled; every good promise of GOD shall be performed in your life in Jesus name.
Please live prepared and ever ready for a life in the Kingdom of GOD and of HIS Christ. It is well with you in Jesus name.


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