Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: "The Lord knows those who are His," and, "Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity." (v.19 NKJV)
No deceit goes on forever, neither will the deceiver prevail any longer; may the Light of the truth of GOD’S Word and the power of HIS salvation in Jesus Christ deliver and work wonders in your life this season and always. May you ever be GOD’S own. Amen!
The times we are in may be hard, but the child of GOD must be harder. This season has a lot of deceits that go on in it, but the truth of GOD in Jesus Christ stands sure forever. This truth you must know, work with and live in it unto eternity in HIS Kingdom.
There is strong contention against the Son of GOD, Jesus Christ. There are several manipulations by the enemy to disprove the sovereignty and the divinity of this Jesus. There are claims and counter claims about who the child of GOD is. If this is known to you, then you must know how to live and prevail over all these, just as Jesus Christ did. You must be watchful of events that do not seem to be harmful but they are dangerously prepared to make one lose out in the Kingdom of GOD and of HIS Christ. You must avoid gatherings that set trap to make one fall into the pit of lusts, lies, arguments, foolish jestings, quarrels and strives.
There is the need to -be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Get materials that can help you fulfill this task.
Put this word of the man of proverbs always before you - The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead. (Proberbs 21:16); and be a vessel or tool of honour in the hand of GOD your creator. Do not be carried away by any unholy pleasure or the frenzy of the times. 
Know the truth of the occasion of the blessing of GOD to the people by HIS loving gift of Jesus Christ. Stand strong in Him!
Pray for Church leaders in the land to be indeed faithful and truthful to Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church. Pray for fruitfulness in this service. Pray for cleansing from the pollutions in the indecent dressing and uncultured music among our people. May the power of the truth prevail in us all.


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