And their father gave them great gifts of silver, and of gold, and of precious things, with fortified cities in Judah: but the kingdom gave he to Jehoram; because he was the firstborn (v.3 KJ2000)
This is the day of the LORD, we shall rejoice and be glad in it. May GOD deliver us from anything that will want to spoil our joy. May the flavor of the riches of GOD in Christ Jesus ever be with us.
King Jehoshaphat was known to be a GOD-fearing king in his days. It would have been expected that everyone that would come from his loins would have been trained to fear GOD like he did. Perhaps Jehoram was trained so, but he refused to display this when he gained access to the throne after his father’s death. I was disturbed with the kind of training Jehoshaphat might have given to his children because it was clear that he gave gifts of silver and gold (the currencies and identities of wealth at that time) and precious things, but it was not clear that he gave the words of GOD that cannot be corrupted or used up. It was also clear that Jehoshaphat did not consult GOD in the choice of the king to be after him. Maybe he was traditionally accustomed to the belief of first-born-takeover. This was a costly mistake. The good things and reports that Jehoshaphat gained in his lifetime were destroyed in the few years of reign of his firstborn son. 
Jehoram married the daughter of a renowned wicked king, Ahab. He killed his brothers and other notable people that could be threat to his reign. He lost the presence of GOD and he mislead the people. The cities and the nations that were paying tributes to Judah before him revolted and did not do such to him again. Several evil and wicked things prevailed in his time because GOD was not pleased with him. How are you training your children and your wards? Even if you do not have now, what prayers and programmes are you working on to see that you do not fail in this regard? Are you into courtship? Is your partner and friend, a child of GOD? Are you also renewed in your mind by faith in Jesus Christ? Covenant kept the house of David to throne of Judah forever; are you covered in the covenant of the blood of Jesus? 
Pray that the LORD washes you from all forms of foolishness. May the LORD make you wise and better in Jesus name.


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