Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, "Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him." (v.13 NKJV)
To you LORD, be all the glory, honour and adoration forever. It is another day and season of the manifestation of your wonderful works in the lives of all, may your name be praised forever. Amen!
It is no news that the personality and the name of Jesus Christ has always been under attack; this had been from His birth. The people that faithfully bear His mark and name on them have not been spared from these attacks that come in diverse ways and with different people being used as instruments of these attacks. Parents rise against children (and vice versa); some offices or school environments become very unfriendly because of faith in Jesus Christ. From one region to another, news of different challenges against the name and people of Christ abound. The enemy of the soul seeks every means of taking people to hell, but the love of GOD will not fail; HE will help and the enemy will not prevail. Are you facing one of those challenges because of your belief in the Christ? Do not worry, GOD will deliver you; HE will help you and you shall not be put to shame in Jesus name.
It is time for you to rise, be bold and courageously face the events before you. I trust the LORD is raising several help to encourage and deliver you from the snare of the fowler. You must long for GOD and for HIS Christ more and more. You must seek more knowledge of HIM in HIS Word. Partner with people that are faithfully seeking and serving GOD. Be sincere to obey every righteous instruction that may be coming your way from GOD through HIS servants. Also pray that every word of GOD meant for your good be fulfilled and that you become a shining example of a faithful believer in the message of Jesus Christ. Look forward to be source of courage and strength to someone.
Pray that the LORD keep you and all your people in HIS secret place. Ask that every evil device against you be destroyed. Pray for spiritual uplifting and gracious blessing.


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