A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous. (v.22 NKJV)
To GOD be the glory, great things HE hath done; and many wonderful things HE is ever doing. This day shall not pass without you enjoying one of GOD’S great deeds. You shall be a testifier to good things of the LORD, in Jesus Christ name. Amen!
There is a troubling issue about how people see and will want to live life in this age: the wrong notion that all about life is riches has made many to misbehave (some are still misbehaving) in their bid to get wealth and gain human glory. This is not that to gain wealth is not good, but gaining wealth unrighteously is evil.
Almost everyone is working hard to get riches and see to it that he/she lives this wealth for children and grand children to enjoy after; though, some people will prefer to eat it all and die with it.
I believe there is wealth the LORD will want people to gain first and transfer to others compulsorily: this is the knowledge of GOD; HIS words and of HIS Christ. In this lies the secret to gaining and enjoying life and overcoming death and its pains. This brings in the true riches and gives an eternal inheritance in the Kingdom of GOD and of HIS Christ. What inheritance do you seek after? What wealth are you pressing for? May GOD help you!
Carefully observe the teachings of the man of the proverbs in this passage. Be wise to take in his counsel and use rightly. Be like a wise child who loves to do his father’s teachings. Be like a faithful child who will give honour to the words of his parents. Be like a wise child who knows when and how to his/her mouth well.
He who despises the word will be destroyed, But he who fears the commandment will be rewarded. The law of the wise is a fountain of life, To turn one away from the snares of death. (vv. 13,14 NKJV) 
GOD in HIS goodness gave us an inheritance that cannot be corrupted through Jesus Christ. He is the source of life, and of true riches and good health. This inheritance is an assurance of eternal life in the Kingdom of GOD that knows no end. Do you an assurance of the salvation of your soul? What’s your hope on?
Thank GOD for your life. Pray for aged people around you that they gain understanding in the will of GOD. Shalom!


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