Jehoram had become king at the age of thirty-two and had ruled in Jerusalem for eight years. Nobody was sorry when he died. They buried him in David's City, but not in the royal tombs (v.20 GNB) ​
Every passing day presents the glory of GOD in divers ways; and each passing day reminds us of the little time we all have left to spend on earth. And it is true that it is most times not how far you were able to go in life, but how well you used your time on earth. May GOD help us to make good use of our time on earth, and to live for HIS glory and honour in Jesus Christ name. Amen!
Jehoram was not just a disappointment to his father and grandfather’s good names, he was also a disgrace to the people of GOD and to the name of GOD, the King of Judah. GOD could not defend him when the enemy struck. It was like GOD turned his face away from him, and the enemy afflicted and destroyed all he had labored for. He lost all his children except for his youngest son. He died miserably and the people could not give him a kingly (royal) burial; they were disappointed in him.    
You do not need to be a leader before a report about you can be compiled. As the heaven is taking record of your earthly activities, so are the people you are actively (or passively) relating with noting your affairs with careful notes. Your good and faithful relationship with GOD, the people of GOD and things that have to do with GOD are very important in the record you will have before GOD and the people. In the Church; in your school; in the office; in your business environment, who are you? What are you to the people, and how is your relationship with all?
For everyone doing wrong things, there will always be warnings from GOD; what attention you give to these warnings matter a lot. GOD is merciful, HE will always pardon those who turn away from their wicked ways and turn to HIM. GOD will always like to make you right whenever you go wrong; but will you permit HIM to?
Many of us that are in good terms with people that do wrong things should be careful. Let us bold and in wisdom and love warn our associates about their evil ways so that when the punishment on him (or them) will come, we will not partake of it.
Dear LORD, please help us in every way we need it today. Amen!


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