"Acquaint yourself with him, now, and be at peace. Thereby good shall come to you. (v.21 WEB)
I pray that the LORD bless this day for you and that HE fills you with HIS blessing. May you get to know HIM and HIS Christ more. May good come to you as you take in the word of GOD and do according as HIS instructions shall be in Jesus name.
To get acquainted with someone is to build a closer or better relationship with the person. This is to be a better ally and get better familiarized with the person. The advice of Eliphaz the Temanite to Job was a counsel for all who would want to enjoy good and great things that flow from GOD the creator of all things; and a good time to hear and heed this word is now.
We are in a season that many people will claim to know and serve GOD but will not be committed to doing HIS will. I trust that GOD will bless you with great grace for you to know HIM more, love HIM dearly and do HIS will better than other times. Amen!
Do not think GOD is far from you; HE loves you; HE needs you to be HIS own. HE gave Jesus Christ, HIS begotten Son for you that He may lead in GOD’S way and grant true life in HIM. Please get acquainted with GOD; establish a relationship with HIS Christ. Make the Holy Bible your true companion. Let the word of the LORD get into your heart and fill your life with peace and have a good direction for your path in life. Deliver yourself from the way of the ungodly and put iniquity far from you. May the Light of GOD continually shine on you. It is well with you! Study these verses in this portion of the book of Job well lay good hold on truth. Do it, speak it and make others follow it too.
Learn the secret that will make your word potent and effective – it is in knowing GOD and HIS word and doing as HE commands.
As you make your prayers today, let it not be in emptiness; acquaint yourself with GOD and HIS Christ in HIS word. I pray that the LORD make you rich in HIS word and cause HIS will to be done in you all your days. May HE put power in HIS words in your mouth and make you an instrument of HIS peace. May you be on top of every situation as the Spirit of GOD has His way in you from now and on in Jesus name.


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