And such as violate the covenant he shall pervert {and} seduce with flatteries, but the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong {and} shall stand firm and do exploits [for God].. (v.32 AMP)
My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Blood and Righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus name… I am trusting that this is truly your song this time and your hope and expectations shall not be cut off in the name of Jesus Christ. May this be a glorious season for you.
The revelations to Daniel long time ago was for real and several events proved and others are still proving it. This is a season for you to prove that GOD cannot fail and will not fail those who trust in HIM. I strongly implore you to truly lean on the LORD’S grace that is in Jesus Christ. You shall not fall; you shall not fail.
There shall be several challenges to the name of Christ; as there has always being. There shall be many rising as there will be many falling. If you love the LORD and HIS Christ, you cannot run from these challenges; yet, you must be strong for your GOD and for Christ the King. You must be among those that will be of good courage, rising in the strength and power of Christ and not falling for any satanic deceits or pressures. You must receive the wisdom that is in Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. You must do great exploits in the name of the LORD GOD.
Watch your moves and take good care on your path beloved. There shall be many seductions and flatteries. The sorcerers will seek to thrive in their businesses but you shall be strong in the grace that is in Jesus Christ and never allow any of these to take you in. Your faith must not shake; your courage must not fail.
There will be terrible news, especially of those who were falling to these fallacies, oppressions and deceptions of the wicked ones. Be of wise and understanding heart and go all out to instruct many in the way of the LORD. You shall be successful in this wise. May the LORD empower you and give you victory.
Pray that you grow strong in the faith in Christ and in the power of His Holy Spirit. May the LORD deliver us from every deceitful and harmful work of the enemy around us.


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