"I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I, the LORD, have spoken it and performed it," says the LORD.'"(v.14 NKJV)
It is a new day; it is a new life given by the Spirit of GOD; hopelessness shall give way to hopefulness with strong faith in GOD; weaknesses shall give way to real strength in the power of GOD; and no sickness nor pain shall have a part in the new life and the new personality GOD shall raise to HIMSELF in Christ. I believe GOD is making all things new for you and HE shall raise you as the new person to the glory of HIS name. Amen!
GOD is a specialist in doing the impossible; by HIS mighty hand and in the power of HIS Spirit, HE set Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones. And at HIS command to Ezekiel, the very dry bones got new flesh, received new life and became a mighty army. This is no common vision, neither is it a common operation; this was done that the people may know that HE is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. "Then you shall know that I am the LORD” I trust the LORD will launch you into a new experience of HIM as HE touches every area of concern and work things out for you.
Be quick to realize the power of resurrection here. GOD can raise the dead; HE had done it before and HE will do it again and again. HE raised Jesus Christ from the dead and gave to every believer the hope of a new life in and with HIM. There will be a life after we had shed this body of flesh; may it be life eternal in the Kingdom of GOD for you and for all related to you. Amen!
Beloved, with the Spirit of Christ Jesus in you, you are destined for a new life. Rise to the occasion; let the old (unprofitable style of living) be gone forever. There is hope for you; GOD shall open your ‘grave’ and cause you to come out of sicknesses and pains; out of lack and debts; out of distresses and oppression; out of waywardness and all forms of wickedness. You shall live for HIM.
With a grateful heart to GOD, boldly make known to HIM your requests in the prayer of faith through Jesus Christ,
By the grace of GOD in Christ Jesus, you are set free from every form of loneliness and all forms of barrenness. You shall be planted in your land of promise in Jesus name.


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