Just as day was breaking, Jesus came and stood on the beach; but the disciples did not know that it was he. (v.4 TCNT)
Many times we feel we are alone in our turbulent situations in life; but it is not so, if we serve a living GOD in truth and in the Spirit. I pray that you will experience the presence of the Lord, Jesus Christ with you this time and always. It is well with you!
The Disciples taught the party was over as Jesus Christ. Their master was crucified before their very eyes. Though, Christ had taught them many things about life, His mission, His death and resurrection, yet they could not comprehend these easily especially by the way Christ was suddenly taken away from them. They forgot easily the teachings and the instructions of Christ to them. They had to go out and find a way to survive (I guess that was their taught and plan). But Jesus Christ was ever with them; His Spirit never departed from their midst; this disciples did not know this, even after the experiences with Christ. Are you feeling being alone this time? Do you think no one cares, nor understand what was going on with you? Are you planning to work things out your own way like Peter and his colleagues did? I am bold to say to you that you are never alone, The Spirit of the Lord is always with you; Jesus Christ is standing somewhere there watching you; you are the person that has not recognized His presence all the while. Really, do you know Jesus Christ?
Beloved, pray that yours eyes of understanding be enlightened that you may know what and how the LORD is working out things for you. Seek the will of GOD in every situation that you are faced with. Pour your heart to the LORD and be patient for HIS response. Do not be in a hurry to try your style; do not let anyone’s suggestions push you to do what GOD does not support (even when it seems good or right in your eyes). GOD is waiting for a true fellowship with HIM. HE will surely speak concerning the issues. HE will rightly give the needed solution.
Pray that you know the LORD and HIS will better in your life. Pray for someone that needs help to finance godly projects. May your hungry soul be satisfied with good things. May there be favorable answers to your petitions in Jesus name. Amen!


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