And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (v.11 NKJV)
People wait for a season or occasions to give gifts, but GOD opens HIS Arms continually and makes HIS gifts flow unceasingly and without the barrier of any season. May the barrier to your receiving GOD’S glorious gift be removed from before you; may the blessing of the LORD make you rich and free you from every sorrow. May GOD bless you in Jesus Christ name. Amen!
A Glorious child was born in Bethlehem of Judea; His star was at the same time seen in the East by a group of men that were very observant. The king and the people that were in the city of His birth could not discern, neither could they remember what was written concerning Him by the Prophets. This sometimes is the problem with some of us, when we are not observant of the events around us; we do not check to know what the scriptures have said concerning any matter; we tend to be moved by the situation, instead of us controlling or making it shift by the word of GOD in our heart and mouth. Have you checked what the scripture has said (or what the LORD is saying) concerning a matter this time or are you running around by the control of others?  
The wise men were amazing; they did not consider the distance and the risk involved in seeking the King that was born. And when they had found Him, they connected with gifts they had with them. They did not go to Him empty handed; and GOD did not leave them alone, HE saved them from the sword of Herod. GOD has given the best of gifts, what gift are you giving HIM in return? What gifts are you sharing with others near and far from you? The LORD needs your life wholly dedicated to HIM as the basic gift, will you surrender all totally to HIM in the name of Jesus Christ? May you rejoice with exceedingly great joy. Amen!
Pray that your life be opened to great revelations from GOD. May you be filled with grace to act rightly and live to win others to GOD’S side. Pray that those who seek the Lord will rejoice and be glad in Him. May you receive a gracious gift today.


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