Their Redeemer is strong; The LORD of hosts is His name. He will thoroughly plead their case, That He may give rest to the land, And disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon. (v.34 NKJV)
It is a great day in a beautiful season. It is very pleasant to know that there is a Redeemer who cares so much about us. HE has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. HE gave us Jesus Christ and HIS Holy Spirit to be with us forever; HE is the LORD of great armies. HE has promised us rest and we shall have it. I pray that every of GOD’S good promise to you shall come to pass this time; may the grace for accomplishment fill us all.
The scenario of Israel in the snare of Babylon got divine intervention at an apportioned time; and the LORD got HIS people out. This time shall be your time, no evil shall ensnare you again; Jesus Christ the Redeemer and Savior has come, He is carefully handling every case that involves you; every lie of the devil against you shall be judged and you shall be in freedom.
A sword is against your spiritual and physical captors; a sword is against the lies, the liars and the witchcraft set against your soul. A sword is against every weapon fashioned against the well-being of your soul, and a sword is against every wicked device planned against your good success and rejoicing in the Lord. This sword is the Word of GOD. This Word is living and active; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, nothing can stand against it when the LORD sends it out; and it will not return void to GOD the sender until it had accomplish the task it was set to fulfill. 
The LORD is interested in your freedom; HE wants you to freely serve HIM in truth and in Spirit. HE will overthrow the thrones of the wicked set against you; HE will swallow up their destructive waters and cleanse you up for HIS good purpose and pleasure.   Because Jesus Christ is alive, He shall thoroughly plead your case; no accusation shall stand against you again. You must know this truth and never be out of Jesus’ Kingdom. Shalom!
Praise the LORD for the gift of Jesus Christ. Bring HIS word against every wicked program set against you. Establish HIS Word over your plans and programmes. Declare HIS Kingdom come upon you and all yours. Be free in Jesus name.


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