"A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also. (v.19 NKJV)
The clock ticks and it cannot be reversed; one day goes and another reveals itself. A season of unpleasantness shall surely pass away and that of pleasure shall be made manifest. The good LORD has decreed a new season of the manifestation of HIS good pleasure because of Jesus Christ who was pleased to do HIS Father’s will; may the LORD’S will be done in you too.
To everyone that dies, the people in the world will append the title “Late” to the name; but Jesus Christ was bold to declare that death shall not conquer Him because He will live forever; and He sure lives. Yes, HE lives; and because He lives, you shall live also. Every plan or programme born in the will of GOD shall live. Your hope and faith in Christ shall live and produce great results. What others could not understand will be made clear to you and you shall be GOD’S channel for solution. This season shall bring you great joy. You shall sing new song. Amen!
The world around you is short of something; there is high expectation for something new in GOD’S goodness to happen to someone; someone out there is secretly praying for help to come his/her way today and as you believe in Christ, you shall do great works to make them know that the Lord, Jesus Christ, is the Saviour indeed. You shall boldly stand for Christ henceforth. Do not forget to fear GOD in all your dealings, love Jesus Christ   and completely trust the power of His Holy Spirit to help you through. The Spirit of truth, the Helper will be with you always. Amen!
There is a promise of GOD the Father, through Jesus Christ, His Son to be with you through thick and thin; no evil will consume you; no weakness will overpower you; you shall live in HIS peace. May GOD manifest HIMSELF clearly to you in Jesus name. 
Pray for more experience of GOD’S goodness to you and your family this season. Ask that the Holy Spirit be your companion and give you His wisdom and help in all your works. Pray that some people will come to the true knowledge and love of Jesus Christ this season. May the name of Christ be empowered in your mouth for miracles. Amen!


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