Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, (v.20 NKJV)
To you LORD, be all the glory. To you LORD, be all the honour. To you LORD, be all the praises and adoration for ever more. GOD is good to you and to me; this is a fact that cannot be denied. I do hope that your eyes of understanding are enlightened enough to see this fact and proclaim the truth forever. Jesus Christ is the evidence of GOD’S goodness to all; acknowledge Him in every way and ask that His Spirit helps you to do better.
When you bend your knees to pray, who do you talk to? If it is the GOD that does wonders that are unsearchable, do you believe HE can do what you are asking HIM to do? Are you also making the right request this time and using the right approach?
Apostle Paul in this letter wrote and encouraged the Church in Ephesus, even when he was in prison for the Gospel of Christ sake. He would not want anyone to be discouraged; but would rather go on his knees to pray for the people he was preaching to. His joy would be to see GOD strengthen the people by the help of HIS Spirit. He would want Christ to make a home in the hearts of the people through faith. He would want to make them grow deep in true love and make them complete in all the will of GOD.
These are true desires expressed in the prayers of Brother Paul. But beyond these requests, GOD is able to do much more. GOD has the power to operate beyond the wishes of the saints in Christ. There is a power at work in the saints of GOD that sees to it that GOD is proven true in all the wishes and prayers of GOD’S people; He is the Holy Spirit. He was with GOD from the beginning; He was with Jesus Christ to achieve GOD’S programme of salvation and redemption of mankind; He is a promise of Jesus Christ to the saints; He is still available today.
We do not see a lot achieve in our lives because we operate outside the leading of the Spirit of GOD. We do not see prayers answered well because we do not pray according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We cannot help the Spirit of GOD but He can help us. Let the Holy Spirit have His way in our lives and ways.
Dear Holy Spirit, work in us the will of GOD this day and time. Amen!


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