Be not afraid, O land; be glad and rejoice. Surely the LORD has done great things. (v.21 NIV)
I trust the LORD will make this a specially blessed day for you as you trust HIM for all things in Christ. May you look and see GOD turn things around for your good and that of others around you. May voices of joy and of praises surround you in Jesus name.
GOD is a specialist in turning things around for good for those who believe in HIS Christ and in HIS name. GOD is gracious that HE will reach out to help the helpless not because the helpless deserve it, but because HE is a merciful and compassionate GOD. 
GOD’S response to the message HE earlier gave to Joel, with the prophet and his people’s action is this promise of restoration and comfort. I trust that as you truly respond to GOD’S message this time, may HE be pleased to fulfill these promises in your life. Do not be afraid, GOD will surely do great things for you. You and everyone /things with you shall know that GOD has visited you for good. There shall be total recovery and full restoration of all good things in the glory and pleasure of our GOD. You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the LORD your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed.- All these shall be settled in you.
Please mark the emphasis that is on my people – GOD’S PEOPLE; are you one of them? You need to belong to enjoy fully these promises and in the great things GOD is doing. Jesus Christ is the connecting factor. Take the message of Christ in to you and let Him be the One you totally submit your life to obey.
GOD will do great things for us – HIS people, HIS children that have the Lord, Christ as their savior. GOD will bless HIS people with HIS Spirit and HE show great wonders in their lives. HE will make HIS people true witnesses of HIS greatness in all ways to others; and everyone who calls on HIM through Jesus Christ shall be saved and shall not be put to shame. Hallelujah!
Be hopeful, be expectant, be faithful and be Holy Spirit filled. You shall be a wonder to many and GOD’S name shall be glorified in and through you. You shall be a blessing to many and all people shall call you blessed. GOD shall do you well in Jesus name.


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