It makes good sense that the God who got everything started and keeps everything going now completes the work by making the Salvation Pioneer perfect through suffering as he leads all these people to glory. (v.10 MSG)
I serve a very big GOD, who is always by my side, a very big GOD, by my side all the time. Is this true for you? I pray that today will not go into extinction without you saying tangibly that GOD is good to you. The price for your redemption shall not be wasted, and the angels of GOD shall continually rejoice for you.
GOD has several spirits and angels at HIS beck and call; it will cost HIM nothing to make any of them a sacrifice for the redemption of mankind; I guess none would have been a perfect sacrifice; and that would have been a waste; and GOD is not a waster. The prophets and priests tried their best, but none could have been a perfect sacrifice; not even any of the angels. 
GOD knew that the only person who would not disappoint HIM and would make all things well is Jesus Christ. Jesus suffered greatly. Surely He has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we were healed. Who are we that GOD had to sacrifice HIS begotten Son for us? Why does HE love us this much? Do you know the extent of GOD’S love for you? Do you know what much Jesus Christ did for your sake?
GOD needs you to be a member of HIS family; that was HIS original design for you and for me before the enemy through the serpent corrupted this work and put mankind in a gloom. But in Christ Jesus, this shall not be again; there is now redemption.
Beloved, the power of death has been broken in pieces, do not be taken in its fear again. Death, in any nature (through dream, curse or accident) should no longer scare you as you live for GOD in Christ Jesus. Take your shelter in this Christ. Let every pain, suffering, disease, depression, retrogression, and all evil be put under control in your life by the power of Christ that lives in you from now on. Stand upright in the truth and in righteousness.
It is time to declare the victory that Christ has gained for you. Speak it, sing it and live it. Your joy shall be full in Jesus name


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