Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.(v.13 NIV)
Great is our GOD; HE is worthy to be praised and deserves to be honoured. May we live with this understanding all our days. 
If we are asked how things have been thus far, different people will be with different responses. Our experiences have been different, though certain events in the environment seem to be general to all. Our actions and reactions are definitely different too. But agree with the word of GOD in the Holy Scriptures that the LORD will turn to us and HE will make things well with us again.
Prophet Joel got a message from the LORD and he also admitted that what his people was experiencing was truly strange and a lot of them did not care to check why it was so. Events were not right with them and injustices, diseases, poverty and deaths decided to reside with the people. But GOD would not let this continue with them, he stirred the heart of HIS prophet Joel to get the people to do things right with their GOD.
The prophet’s message to his people, apply to us too; GOD wants us to return to HIM with all our hearts. We have walked in deceit for too long and we have allowed ourselves to be cheated by the enemy.  The real good things we should be enjoying are not fully getting to us. Some of us are feeling alright because we are still having a way out and we feel less concerned about others. The people in the Church are not praying as they should, and deceits have become very prevalent among the people. Beloved, GOD is concerned; be concerned too. Get your people and yourself to come together to GOD with the right heart. Fast and pray with the help of the Holy Spirit. The Church, the people in the family, the students, the workers in an organization should come to the LORD with the right heart and attitude to pray- Let them say, 'Spare your people, O LORD. Do not make your inheritance an object of scorn, a byword among the nations. Why should they say among the peoples, 'Where is their God?''– May GOD favorably reply us; may HE help us in Jesus name.


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