A funeral procession was coming out as he approached the village gate. The boy who had died was the only son of his widowed mother, and many mourners from the village were with her. (v.12 LB)
Lots of good things about you are yet to be seen and known, but I trust that GOD will begin a work in you that will announce HIS glory in/ through you. You shall be a mighty instrument in GOD’S hands in the land you dwell, and all that you put your hands to do shall be blessed in Jesus name. 
Sudden death of a loved one can deal devastating blow to the relatives and concerned friends. Sudden loss of a lucrative job, if not well handled, can make things turn upside down for the person concerned. Downward (or unprofitable) trend of a promising business can be very demoralizing to those involved. Several things can bring down morale and dash hope and distort expectations; but I pray that Jesus Christ will continue to be involved in your affairs and nothing shall dash your hope again.
Jesus Christ met certain people near the gate of Nain; He met a dead man being carried on for burial; the dead man had no hope to live again, but a divine contact with the Son of glory changed his case. The carriers had lost hope of gaining a friend, but someone mighty met with them to renew their hope. The mother of the dead was the most devastated of all because she had no husband and now, the only son suddenly died. Halleluia for the LORD GOD omnipotent reigns, even through Jesus Christ; the son lived again. Joy came to the heart of this woman again. I trust in the LORD GOD that your case shall be attended to this season, and this Jesus Christ shall give you hope again. You shall live well. You shall be healed and have full cure for that sickness or disease. You shall truly smile and be a channel of joy to many. Your academic situation shall receive divine touch and your testimony shall be outstanding in Jesus Christ name. Amen! May be you are not hopeless, but your faith is fainting in a way, by the grace of GOD in Christ Jesus, you will be better again. All the evil program against you and all that concern you shall not prosper again and you shall stand upright. It is well with you in Jesus name. Amen !


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