And do not give your bodies to sin as the instruments of wrongdoing, but give yourselves to God, as those who are living from the dead, and your bodies as instruments of righteousness to God. (v. 13 BBE)
Sing the praise of GOD in a very special way today. Determine to express his love to you in another astounding manner. May the LORD be pleased to graciously honour you in a wonderful way. May your joy know no end in Jesus Christ name. Amen!
In this short passage of the Holy Bible, one can see a big concern in the heart of the writer; it is about how people who claimed to know GOD in the new life given through Jesus Christ do not make this known by the way carry their body and live their lives in unrighteousness, yet claiming to live by grace in Jesus Christ. This is false display and inglorious expression. It is possible the people were claiming to be for GOD in Christ, but what was seen in them was that of evil desires and indecent living. Please, think clearly, and let your conscience be alive to the truth. Where has your claim about Christ in GOD been wrong?
It is time to really express the difference between the old man (or nature) and the new man in the nature that is in Christ Jesus. It is time to truly express the turnaround in the heart with an outward display of a truly changed person in godly character (if indeed we have found salvation in Christ Jesus and have received the grace of GOD). This is a serious matter, and sincerely answer this question: are you truly saved in Christ Jesus? This is not about whether you have been baptized or not!
Thousands of years ago, on the cross of calvary, Jesus Christ yielded His body unto death, and He became the author of eternal salvation for all who would believe Him and follow after the love of GOD. Grace came through this such that new life in GOD is expressed in words, character, attitude, dressing, relationship and in everything that pertains to life and godliness. It is disappointing to then see people who claim to be for Christ still yielding their bodies as instruments of wrongdoing. Search your heart; check yourself. Let true change take place in you.
Pray that Christ life be expressed in you always. Halleluiah!


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