He who comes from heaven is greater than all others: he who comes from earth is of the earth, and of the earth are his words: he who comes from heaven is over all. (v.31 BBE)
Who is like unto you, O Lord? Who is like unto you? You are glorious in holiness and fearful in praise. You are ever doing wonders. Dear LORD, may you be pleased to bless us in a special way this day, and help us to do your will too in Jesus name.
Beloved, there is One GOD the creator of all things; there have also been several people who claimed (and some are still claiming) to have come from the only true GOD, but their actions are far from the way of this GOD. But one truth cannot be denied (though, the enemy has been fighting this, and he will continue to fight it until he is held and caged), Jesus Christ came from GOD and He did what GOD would want Him to do for your sake and mine. This is what John the Baptist was pointing the attention of his followers to. Let there be no argument about that. If you see any preacher or someone who claims to have a message, and his/her message is not pointing to the direction of Jesus Christ as the only true savior, then, do not believe that preacher or messenger. Better still, pray with an open heart to GOD for a revelation of the truth. Study this passage of the Holy Scriptures well too. I pray that the truth of GOD’S word will prevail in you.
John the Baptist was ever faithful GOD in his ministry; he held good testimonies of the Christ and he would not deceive the people into believing him instead of believing in Jesus Christ. In one of his testimonies he affirmed - The Father has love for the Son and has put all things into his hands.- this testimony is true. Since GOD had delivered all things into Jesus’ hands, then be assured that all you need can be delivered through Him. He is the One from above and He is above all. His best gift is eternal life to all who will believe in Him. Do you have the assurance of eternal life with Christ in GOD? Every good and perfect gifts are also given by Him. May you be blessed with a perfect gift today. 
Pray that someone receive the gift of salvation of Christ today. Pray the gift of GOD come for waiting parents for a testimony to HIS glorious name. May Christ make us rich in Him. Amen!


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