"For there is hope for a tree, If it is cut down, that it will sprout again, And that its tender shoots will not cease. (v.7 NKJV)
I am so glad that I have a Father in Heaven. HE will never fail me. I want to believe you share this same testimony if you have GOD as your Father and Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior.
Job had one of the best testimonials in the attributes of any man before GOD. Satan knew this, yet he had for permission to try him. Job was tried, and in his trials he revealed some of the truth he had known over time. I pray that your trials will give you great testimonies. May you never fail your GOD no matter how tough things get or rough the road may be. You shall be victorious!
Please check this out; how long do you think any person can live on the surface of the earth this time? Truly Methuselah lived close to a thousand years then, yet in the grave or wherever he may be in now, and according to the time of life, he would have spent over three thousand years in the grave he was buried, or in the life after his bodily death. And he continues in this life until the resurrection morning. This applied to every old person that we termed to have lived long on earth (even when the number of years spent was not up to two hundred years). How long have you lived, and how long do you think you will live on earth?
Truly, no matter the long life anyone enjoys here on earth, it will still not compare to the longevity of eternity; but which of the eternities? I hope you know that hell is eternal and so is Heaven.
There is hope of eternal life with GOD my friend; there is an opportunity set before you to make it and live well here after. Jesus Christ is that hope; He is the Lamb of GOD that took away the sin of the world and deliver from condemnation in hell. He is the hope for a change of situation unto a better life. Jesus Christ is the Water the quenches the thirst of the needy; He is the water that gives life to a cut-down tree. He is our hope. Receive Him!
I want you to be encouraged in the fact that with Jesus Christ on your side, all your challenges have a true solution. Do not believe that your hope is gone because of an unfortunate event.
By the grace of GOD in Christ Jesus, you shall rise again; you shall be termed an achiever; you shall make eternal life with HIM.


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