But he answered them, "The man who healed me said to me, 'Take up your pallet, and walk.'" (v.11 RSV)
You are welcome into this season of great changes for the better. The GOD of wonders has plans to favor a lot of people and make the enemy of the soul be disappointed in them because of Jesus Christ. You are one of the chosen of GOD for a complete life-transforming encounter this season; you shall not miss this great and favorable event in your life. You shall know the LORD and HIS works in your life shall make the difference.
Many impotent and unfortunate folks were at the pool the day Jesus Christ changed the story of the man that had been in that sorry state for thirty-eight years; but to none was it recorded that a miracle took place but for this man who had lost hope in the help of other people. GOD knew this and HE gave him divine help through the meeting with the Lord, Jesus Christ. This season I believe has been designed for your encounter too. Amen! 
Your focus on human connection(s); your attention on a human promise to help; and probably some other things or people you have banked on (or placed your hope on) for a positive change in your affair can fail or disappoint you. You must know the true GOD and HIS Christ that can change things for the better and will make better things to happen for you. You shall rise from your old state into a new and better one; where you are now is not fitting for you, Christ in and with you will make the difference. 
Do not be surprised that some people have given up all hope of you recovering, surviving the ordeal and been restored. Many reasons are been given to deny you this experience that will change your story in life for good. But GOD has another chance for you; HE wants the enemy defeated completely in all that concern you. Please listen to the messages you receive about Jesus Christ and stand upright on the Truth. Be at the position where you will remain connected to GOD and to HIS Christ. May you be a true living testimony of the wonderful works of GOD.
Praise the LORD for this time in your life. Pray that peace, orderliness and good structure be settled in your life.  Pray for healing and comfort for every broken heart around you.


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