Do not take revenge, dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written, “Vengeance belongs to me. I will pay them back, declares the Lord.” (v.19 ISV)
Halleluiah, it is another day of joy, peace, favor and breakthroughs; no matter the likes of the mountains to hinder, or the valleys to create fear, I have confidence in the power of a Mighty GOD and that the efforts of Jesus Christ on the cross will not be in vain. The horns of the wicked shall be broken and those of the righteous in the LORD shall be exalted. Amen!
We live in a world where the show of true love is scarce. A lot of people have been hurt, and many others are hurting and waiting for wounds in their heart to heal up. Who shall help us? What shall heal us? Jesus Christ is the answer and that is by His Spirit.
The tendency to pay back in the same manner you were hurt is always there; moreover, you may feel that you need to teach the other person a lesson so that he/she may know it hurts when such is done. Watch it friend! Are you sure your heart is not being overpowered by evil thoughts or wrong imaginations because you were hurt by the wrong done to you? - Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.- Do not continue to say to yourself that you were disgraced and you need to get cleared of it. I appeal to you not to defend yourself, but be filled with the grace of GOD, casting that burden, that injured heart to the Lord, Jesus Christ for the right spiritual surgery by the power of the Holy Spirit. This may not be that easy, but it can be done. Do it now! Do not listen to the wrong voice(s) urging for revenge.
Beloved, be filled with good, and let your heart and mind be conquered by the love of GOD. Exercise yourself continually in this; let the Holy Spirit manifest His fruit in and through you.
Have you by any chance hurt someone? Please beg for pardon; do not let pride or arrogance have its way in you. Deal with everyone you have the chance to meet in/with true love from your heart. Teach wounded hearts what to do in that situation.
Pray that wounded hearts will receive the soothing balm of grace and the love of GOD in Jesus Christ. I pray the LORD to flow to you with HIS water of life for your healing and refreshing.


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