And Joab came into the house to the king and said, Today you have put to shame the faces of all your servants who even now have kept you and your sons and your daughters and your wives and all your women safe from death;(v.5 BBE)
By the grace of GOD in Christ Jesus, this shall be a day of joy and rejoicing for you and for all with you. May there be testimonies of favor, victory and good successes in your camp, family office or organization. May your sorrows turned to joy.
Absaslom, one of the sons of king David, sought to be king in the place of his father. He did not wait till his father’s death; he rather sought to overthrow his father. He nearly succeeded but for the help of GOD, king David would have been overthrown and sent on exile by his own son. This would have been a disgrace and a smite on the covenant of GOD with David. Do you have the Lord’s covenant on/with you? How secured are you in your office or at home, or in your area? Do you know what the evil plans against you are? Whatever your answers to these and other related questions friend, ensure first that you have a standard relationship with GOD the Father through Jesus Christ HIS Son!
I believe that if David had handled the problematic issues with his children (or family) well, he would have been delivered from the ‘Absalomic trauma’. And now that Absalom was taken out of his way, he nearly ruined the celebrations of the people. What do you think about this? What should have been done by the king? 
Deal with the offensive mood; do not let it affect your relationship with others. Let the joy of the LORD be your strength. Put on the right and cheerful countenance; not because you want to deceive others by your look, but because you must deal with whatever may be killing your joy. If it is sin, deal with it rightly; if it is a mistake, handle it properly; if it has to do with relating with others, seek counsel and put righteous advice to work in you. 
Parents, train your wards in the way of the LORD. Leaders, treat your subordinates well in the fear of GOD. Be a blessing to others!
May the LORD be pleased to bless you with people that will help you with the cheerful mood. May sadness and mourning know no place in your camp in Jesus Holy name.


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