"And they shall go forth and look on the dead bodies of the men that have rebelled against me; for their worm shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorrence to all flesh." (v.24 RSV)
The heaven, the earth and everything within these belong to the LORD; you are the LORD’S too. There is nothing about you that is a secret to GOD, because HE made you; HE formed you in your mother’s womb; and HE caused you to come forth gracefully; you were not aborted and the enemy of life has not terminated your life in the course of events in life. Let GOD be graciously praised in and through you. Give HIM the honour and glory HE deserves. HE is the LORD; there is none like Him.
When you look around, you see people in different shapes and sizes; people in different colors and in different characters/attitudes. You also see different events happening to all. But I will like you see yourself as one with a difference; one that has been covered in the favor of GOD; and so shall it be. Amen!  
Prophet Isaiah in this passage of the Holy Scriptures is pointing our attention to something that will soon take place (how many days or years I do not know; but it shall not be long). This is like the conclusion of the matter in the Prophet’s revelational write-ups. GOD will soon make distinguishing events happen to those who honor HIM, HIS word and HIS Christ, and those who do not. Those who do not are simply rebellious to HIS words. GOD sent to the world Jesus Christ as a gift; HE commanded that we listen to Him and obey every instruction that He gives that the believers may enjoy eternal life with Him. Some people are still questioning the authenticity of Christ; and some simply refuse to yield to His call. Others are out there giving untenable excuses; "For behold, the LORD will come in fire,..”; HE will punish those who have not been honoring the words of salvation that have been coming to them. Do not say this about Jerusalem in the last days; take it to be about you and preparation for the events to come. You must be prepared and live your life ready for the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Look forward to enjoying a new life in the city of the LORD. What is your decision about Jesus?
May you be in the home of glory with GOD and HIS Christ.


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