But GOD hit Pharaoh hard because of Abram's wife Sarai; everybody in the palace got seriously sick. (v.17 MSG)
Someone once said; when you are down to nothing, GOD is up to something; this is true as you trust GOD for all things in your life. I trust that GOD will divinely show up for you today. Amen!
It baffles me a lot when I read of what happened to the land GOD showed and permitted HIS friend to step in and dwell. How could the land be hit with what seems like a curse – a severe famine? Why did it have to be when the blessed Abram was there? For the fact that you are sure of GOD’S call or leading in your life, does not guarantee that all things will be going smoothly all the time for you. There will be times of heavy rain and flooding; and there will be times of dryness and famine; but in all these, GOD in whom you have trusted will never leave you nor forsake you. I discovered that GOD followed the Patriarch, Abram to the Egypt he ran to for survival; but HE did not show forth immediately; HE allowed Pharaoh and his princes to try to satisfy their lust of the eyes before hitting the people serious sickness. Believe this, GOD is not just watching you go through this hard times like that; HE is doing something on your behalf in the secret; you shall soon see it; you shall praise HIS name.
Father Abram did not consult GOD before going to Egypt, so he planned several things with Sarai the wife for their survival in Egypt. When you walk with the LORD and in the light of HIS word, seek HIS help and direction for all things and for all movements. GOD’S help for Abram would not fail; at Egypt, GOD made room for him to acquire several goods - Because of her, Abram got along very well: he accumulated sheep and cattle, male and female donkeys, men and women servants, and camels- (and possibly Hagar too). I pray that GOD will make every occasion to bring forth HIS pleasure for you as you trust HIM. GOD has a way of fighting for you; you shall see it happen.
Whatever is influencing the pressures against your well being is only being permitted for a time, GOD shall hit the enemy hard.
Pray for GOD’S intervention and leading in your case today. Ask that divine help come for people in severe lack and poverty.


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