But you, son of man, listen to what I say to you. Do not rebel like that rebellious house; open your mouth and eat what I give you." (v.8 NIV)
I serve a very Big GOD, who is always by my side; a very Big GOD O, by my side all the time. What is your song, what is your testimony concerning GOD the Creator? May the LORD have HIS way fully in you and in all that concern you in Jesus name.
GOD has a special concern for you, friend. There are billions of people all over the world, yet you have special consideration before HIM. HE called out to all but many will not listen to HIM. HE had worked several miracles in peoples’ lives, yet a lot of people will not give attention to HIS sayings. This time, HE is calling you out specifically, and HE is giving out specific instructions HE wants you to abide with and carry out rightly.
The case of the people of Israel, according to the Holy Scriptures was pathetic. They had a GOD who was always loving them, but they turned they followed after people they were warned not to follow and those ones turned their heart away from the Living GOD. GOD in HIS love would still send prophets to warn them but the people were rebellious in their heart. Later, HE sent Ezekiel to them and HE gave him strict warning to abide by.
Please consider yourself as the new instrument or channel of communicating GOD’S heart and desire to HIS people this time. What is HE saying to you? That Jesus Christ is HIS beloved Son; you must hear Him and obey His instructions. You must not be like others who rejected this instruction and injured their soul. You must not be rebellious to GOD’S words; study it regularly to eat the life in it and give life to your soul and to others with you.
You must not take from the deceivers around you; their messages are not from GOD; but you discern rightly and do well.
Every word of GOD that came your way may not be that clear; you are to seek clarification from HIM and not one spiritual man.
You are unique being; GOD loves you and HE is going to speak to you; and you are to deliver to others. Jesus Christ is LORD!
May the hand of the LORD be with you for good. May HIS Spirit move you and lead you; may HE comfort and settle you.


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