Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor, She gave birth to her children. (v.8 NKJV)
This season, the word of the LORD to comfort, strengthen and deliver you from all pains and afflictions of the enemy shall not fail; and you shall be comforted in the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen!
God is set to do several marvelous things in and around you; many people shall see them and shall rejoice with you. The hand of the LORD will be known to you as you press to know HIM. There are lots of good things set to happen to you this season as you fear the LORD and honor HIS word in your life. You obviously have never known a season like this one in all your days on the surface of the earth. The LORD HIMSELF shall do the amazing things by HIS power through HIS Holy Spirit. Amen!
I will like you to carefully look into the word of GOD this time and honor it. I will not want you to be one of those who do not allow the life of GOD’S words to have its full course in them. These ones will want to use GOD in every occasion for their own glory; but they would not be totally submissive to GOD. They serve GOD only for what they think they will benefit in return; but you are to love, serve and fear GOD without any conditions attached.
Beloved, do know that GOD can do anything to help HIS own; GOD can go any length to favor anyone who trembles at HIS word. I want to believe that you are one of those who honor the word of GOD and trust HIM for a favorable fulfillment. Your set time to be favored has come; all people shall rejoice with you.
Have you ever suffered any form of rejection? Have you suffered some form of humiliation? Have you know pains and discomfort all this while? Have you seen or known failure in any case? As you honor the word of GOD from this moment, may the LORD be true and HIS words be potent to in you and in your situation to subdue your weaknesses, make you trample on your adversary, and cause HIS light to shine on your path for HIS glory in Christ.
By the grace of GOD in Jesus Christ, you shall flourish in truth, in righteousness and in health. You shall be safe. Amen!


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