Then Jesus answered and said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner. (v.19 NKJV)
Who do you copy what you do from? Jesus Christ boldly declared that He could do nothing of His own except what He sees in the Father. Your claim to be a child of GOD may not be our problem, but are you sure that what you are doing are inspired by the Spirit of GOD in you? In what ways do you lie against GOD and against His Spirit? I am sure that when you do what is not Christ like, and you claim to belong to GOD through Christ, the Spirit of GOD in you will not permit your heart to rest until you make amends (except your conscience is dead).
GOD calls you into a relationship with HIM, and as you make progress and walk with HIM in the Spirit, HE is willing to reveal more things and have more things committed into your hands; and nothing shall by any means hinder you from glorifying HIS name. The light of GOD in Jesus Christ must shine to all with you.
Beloved, this is the time to work and walk with the LORD and operate in HIS Spirit through the grace that is in Jesus Christ. The world has not experience the power of GOD for a great change because many that claim to be GOD’S children operate in deceit and in darkness, thereby denying the power of GOD.
By the grace of GOD in Jesus Christ, I trust your operations will be carried out in the fear and in the Spirit of GOD. The dead must hear you and come to life. The demons behind sicknesses and diseases in people around you must hear your voice and flee from the people. The forces of darkness that have taken many into the captivity of different forms of sin and wickedness must be conquered and their captives delivered at your command in the name of Jesus Christ. These are what Jesus Christ was seeing in HIS Father and He successfully did them.
Beloved, be aware that a day is coming when your work shall be judged for a reward for life (good) or for damnation in the fire that cannot be quenched forever. Operate in the LORD and let your works live. May you be approved of GOD in your labours.


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