And said to him, Let me not be judged as a sinner in your eyes, O my lord, and do not keep in mind the wrong I did on the day when my lord the king went out of Jerusalem, or take it to heart. (v.19 BBE)
Our GOD is good, and HIS mercy is forever. Jesus Christ once taught that blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. I trust that you will enjoy the mercy of GOD that always flow in the blood of HIS Son, Jesus Christ and HIS joy shall fill your heart.
A deep and true reflection of the season we are in makes us realize how merciful the LORD GOD is to us all. Though, some of us in several ways fail to recognize this mercy, yet GOD’S arms are opened to us still through Jesus Christ; and as many as call on His name shall be saved.  May GOD be ever praised!
Shimei truly hurt king David when Absalom dethroned him, that he had to flee for his life (Read more in 2 Samuel 16). But by the mercy of GOD on David, GOD restored him; and the likes of Shimei who thought King David would never regain the throne were humbled and came begging before the king. It is possible that you have suffered humiliations in the hands of some, but by the mercies of GOD in Christ Jesus, your shame will be taken away and your pains and hurts will be healed. Truly trust GOD for this and you shall have it. May you be favored in Jesus name.
What Shimei and some people did to David during his trials would have been imprisonment or death for revenge at his restoration, but David understood the love and the mercy of GOD. The evil some people had done (or are still doing) to you or members of your household may want you to curse them in your heart (or speak evil against them in return); but learnt something about the love and mercy of GOD today; let it be that the LORD takes up your course and fights for you as you surrender your hurts to HIM and be filled with mercy in your heart. This will not be easy because it is not simple; it takes the grace of GOD in Jesus Christ to have this done right and well.
Please forgive those who have hurt (or are still hurting) you, and receive pardon for your errors too as you truthfully confess them. I pray that the Spirit of GOD take control of your heart now. May the love of Christ fill your heart. May you have peace and joy.


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