And the hearts of the men of Judah were moved like one man; so that they sent to the king, saying, Come back, with all your servants.(v.14 BBE)
Dear LORD, let the breaking of the day bring forth the Sun of Righteousness with healing and new life in its wings on your people. Let there be great manifestations of great benefits of knowing Jesus Christ as the Lord and King of our lives. Amen!
When a righteous king reigns, the people in the kingdom rejoice; but when the ruler is of the wicked stock, the people mourn. 
Absalom’s evil desire sent king David out of his throne for a while; and when Absalom was defeated, the people who had earlier followed after Absalom were reluctant to bring back the original king to his throne. The true king of every life is Jesus Christ, but when the deceiver (the thief, the killer, the dragon or Satan also called Lucifer) comes into any life, he would claim the rulership and suffers the person in much afflictions and pains. There is nothing good about this deceiver (the enemy). But when that heart and life is submitted to Jesus Christ, the chain or claim of Satan the deceiver over such life will be broken. Let Him in! 
Jesus Christ is the true King with all good and perfect gifts and blessings with Him. When He is missing in a life, situation or organization, disobedience, sorrow, displeasure and all forms of evils and corruptions will reign in and oppress the people. This Jesus is so merciful like GOD His Father; He can be invited and welcomed back to whichever heart or whatever situation He is needed. Check and see if He is needed now in that issue bothering your life. Jesus Christ, the true King wants to have a permanent place in your heart; He wants to build His Kingdom in you.  
Please help bring back the true king into the life and situation of people who are yet to let Jesus Christ in. Let the sick and the weak receive Him in. Let that home or family experiencing crisis get king Jesus in. Let that firm or organization enthrone King Jesus in their affairs and enjoy the help of GOD after. GOD has given Him a name that is above all others; declare His name over all things and all issues. Let your faith in Him be strong now.
Dear Lord and master, Jesus Christ, do reign over every issue.


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