For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. (v.10 NKJV)
This is a glorious day; may the brightness of the day reflect the brightness and glory of GOD in our lives. Nothing could stop the day from breaking, and so shall nothing be able to stop the wonderful works of GOD in your life and mine in Jesus name.
This is a good time to remind ourselves again of a more beautiful home, which is not made with human hands; I trust the LORD that our labour and activities here will not deny us that rest of GOD and a glorious home with HIM, HIS Christ and HIS angels. 
It has become a common saying now that this world is not our home, we are just passing through. One day, this body of flesh shall be laid down and a new body that is immortal will be put on. This body of flesh cannot make it to the home of glory where GOD is; it must be shed off one day. There is no reason to be afraid of this transformation if we are adequately preparing for it.  
Some beloved ones had passed on, and others will soon go; our time and season to go is not defined but we must be prepared. That is why we are implored to receive GOD’S main gift for eternal life; He is Jesus Christ; and not to just receive Him, but to live for Him and walk in His Spirit so as to overcome the pressures from this tent that will soon be destroyed. Friend, how prepared are you for this transformation? It will be a glorious lift.
It should also not be new nor strange to you that we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ after this body had been laid to rest. There will be a time to give account of how one spent the precious time and gifts GOD gave one the opportunity to have and use on earth. There will be a time to be rewarded according to what one has done when in this body of the flesh. 
Time is running out; no one knows the hour when this transformation shall take place; but know that some had it already and some will have this time; but you must be prepared for yours too. Do not be scared; only walk by faith in Jesus Christ.
Please commit your life and time to the hand of the Almighty GOD and pray comfort for those bereaved. Peace of GOD be with you!


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