Even though we speak like this, dear friends, we are confident of better things in your case - things that accompany salvation. (v.9 NIV)
You are one of GOD’S investments on the surface of the earth, and I trust that at the end of all things GOD will rejoice over you. Several other people may fail GOD; I trust that you will not fail HIM. As the day breaks in on you, and the sun shines on your path, may the Spirit of GOD strengthen you for a better performance than you had ever done; may HE make you glad and give you reasons to rejoice in GOD today in Jesus name.
Every good leader is always looking forward to a great performance from his/her subordinates. The good teacher will always trust that his/her products will bring forth glory some day. The LORD sent Jesus Christ for a great task of human redemption (after Eve and Adam failed HIM), and the Savior failed GOD not. Jesus Christ is raising you and me to be another instrument of glory and of joy to GOD the Father; by His grace, I will not fail Him; will you? I trust that you will not fail Him too.
Look into your life and affairs and understand the Lord’s investment in (on) you.  You need to grow up in spiritual matters; you need to graduate from the elementary teachings and doctrines. You need to have left those things that are not fitting for the children of GOD. You need to be strong against all satanic onslaughts. You must not fail; you must not ‘backslide’ in this spiritual walk with the Lord, Jesus Christ. You must press on no matter the pressures (within and without) against your faith. This is why you must set your gaze on Jesus Christ; the author and finisher of our faith. You must learn to win from/through Him.
GOD is ever good, merciful and faithful; your testimony of HIM shall be better by and by. Never let anything or anyone distract you from following after the truth that is in the Lord. The world is filled with deceivers; please beware. Submit fully to the Lord, He will fight your cause; He will help you. Jesus Christ is Lord! 
Thank GOD for all you have been through. Pray divine help for those that are been led astray especially because of the challenges before them. Pray for your Church leaders that they will be firm to lead and teach the truth. Be victorious!


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