And he said to all, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. (v.23 RSV)
This day, I pray you will no longer live by what people have been describing Jesus Christ to be, but that you will know Him and have His Spirit live in you for real. Your testimony of Christ shall be real and true. May He guide you in your daily walk with Him.
Jesus Christ denied self and position; He bore a cross and died the most shameful death, are you willing to deny yourself of all pleasures of self and follow Christ without shame? GOD help you!
There is a cross that Jesus carried and on it was He nailed and killed. There is s cross you must also carry daily for you to be a true disciple of Christ and live victoriously on this earth. The cross to be daily carried is not the metallic or wooden pendant around your neck. The cross you are to carry daily is not a symbol of your sufferings, misfortunes or any unpleasantness related to you in any way. Carry the cross that daily puts you in remembrance of what Jesus Christ did on His cross for you and for me and not carry the pains, the sufferings, the humiliations and the shame. Your cross is to remind you that the load of cares, sin, demonic afflictions and sorrows were destroyed on Christ’ cross. Your cross is to daily remind you that you agreed with GOD on the sufferings, punishments, death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ and that you are now going on with Him in a new nature even when you live in this body of flesh. 
On Jesus’ cross several things happened, and when you look at it, you should be reminded of a lot of things that Christ settled for us. The only entrance to enjoying a new life in Christ is to die to the human nature and be alive unto Christ. So when you are pressed to curse others, or you feel like not forgiving someone of his/her wrong done to you; or you feel like yielding to an evil thought or the evil pressures of deceitful people and you see the cross with you, then you should have the victory Christ gave.
There will be no fruit of the Spirit when there has not been a crucifixion of the old nature first as you get baptized into Christ.
I pray that you see and enter the Kingdom of GOD. May GOD’S grace be with you always to live for HIM in Jesus name. Amen!


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