GOD told Abram: "Leave your country, your family, and your father's home for a land that I will show you. (v.1 MSG)
GOD knows all about you friend; your now, your future and even your yesterday was not hidden from HIM. This day, be truly humbled before HIM and praise HIS name. GOD loves you!
GOD who knows all things and can see all things better knew what Father Abram did not know and HE saw what Abram could not see. Where this patriarch was residing should be comfortable for and enough to accommodate him and those that would be added to him; but GOD instructed him to leave and to go to a place HE would show or reveal to him. This was contrary to common knowledge; to the common human mind, it is better to work with what you have at hand than working with what you have not seen nor acquired. But when GOD is involved in a matter, HIS instructions may not be too good for common mind.
GOD has good plan for you this season; HE knows where HE is taking you to; HE knows what better place for you to work; HE knows where it is good enough for you to live; HE knows what good thing you should possess. HE also knows where you need to go for your holiday; HE knows the partner suitable for you. What instruction(s) have you received or are you receiving from the LORD? How far have you complied? I pray that you will know the divine voice and understand the divine instruction today.
Father Abram did not query the Divine instruction; he moved accordingly and he acknowledged GOD all the way by building altar of praise and prayer. GOD also appeared to him to confirm what HE had shown and instructed him; because it was possible that the people Abram was seeing on the land may look impossible for him to take over from. Do not look around; do not be baffled by the multitude or the initial occupiers, GOD has promised a place for you where HE is taking you. You shall be blessed there as you obey HIM. GOD is instructing you to hear the voice and instructions of Jesus Christ from the Holy Bible; obey and you shall flourish in all things you put your hands.
I pray that the LORD expand you accordingly. May HE deliver you from everything that has made you unfit in Jesus name.


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