The man of God came up and told the king of Israel, "This is what the LORD says: 'Because the Arameans think the LORD is a god of the hills and not a god of the valleys, I will deliver this vast army into your hands, and you will know that I am the LORD.'" (v.28 NIV)
GOD is the creator of the heaven and the earth, and all things within them. HE is the GOD of all and nothing shall be likened to HIM. HE is the only ONE to be served and worshipped. May this GOD be yours forever; may HE guard and guide you unto the end. May other gods bow to the name of GOD in you. Amen!
At the word of GOD from the mouth of HIS prophet, king Ahab gathered his army and attacked king Benhadad and his army that had been enemy of his Israel. GOD proved HIS name high above all other gods that other people served and worshipped. The army of Benhadad may look great and mighty, but GOD strengthened the army of Israel and they defeated them all.
The Syrians were used to different gods, but these failed them when the battle was strong. These people made the mistake of believing that the Great GOD is only a GOD of the hills, but when they saw GOD fight without human hands they trembled. Have you limited GOD in your thought and affairs? Do you feel GOD is partial? You need to get to know this GOD better. You need to learn to honour, serve and worship this GOD in spirit and in truth.
Trust GOD for all things and in all your affairs. Hand over all your cares and worries to HIM by faith in Jesus Christ, for HE cares for you. Do not limit your knowledge of HIM; search the Scriptures. Let the word of GOD get to you regularly; live, move, work and walk by it. Eat it and be refreshed in it. The prophets of Baals and of other gods were silent when the GOD of the whole earth was at work, fighting for HIS people that trusted in His word. I pray that GOD’S words come to you expressly this time.
Do not relent to deal with sin and all ungodliness within and around you; Benhadad was spared but GOD was angry; GOD knew he would one day return to trouble his people. Deal with the sin and the problem of your life now. Jesus Christ will help you.
Dear LORD, help us to trust in your word always in Jesus name.


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