And let not your behaviour be like that of this world, but be changed and made new in mind, so that by experience you may have knowledge of the good and pleasing and complete purpose of God. (v.2 BBE)
“I must go with GOD at any length, no matter the roughness of the road. I must go all the way… I must go with GOD”. This was part of a chorus that was common with us at our Christian fellowship years ago. I trust that the Spirit of the LORD will let this confession be true and real in us from this moment and on. 
Beloved, I will like to ask what your decision has being since you have heard about the sufferings, the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ for the redemption or salvation of your soul. Has your behavior taken a new turn for the better? Do you feel you now enjoy a peace from GOD that cannot be compared in anyway? Do you still have something about your life that you are struggling with? Please turn it to Jesus Christ; lay it at the cross.
Do understand that GOD is the owner of your life; HE has only given you a body to live in to worship and to serve HIM with. For every body dedicated to HIM through the renewal of the mind, HE gives HIS Spirit; and the Spirit operates in that life through several gifts to bless other people with. Have you learnt what the gift(s) within you is or are? Please use it (them) rightly to please your GOD. You have been saved to serve; may GOD bless you.
I plead with you not to prove anything to anyone, but to live in the new nature, though in the flesh but highly or completely controlled by the Spirit of GOD because of your decision to offer your body as a living sacrifice that is well pleasing to GOD. Live this new life responsibly and not according to the pattern of this world; not in accord with what may be in vogue but not right before GOD. Live to see Christ as your worthy example to follow.
Beloved, with the Spirit of Christ in you, you must be humble in all things and for all purpose and intent. GOD will surely help you!
Thank GOD for the opportunity to be one of HIS people. Pray that Christians will carry out their businesses in the Spirit of GOD. Pray the healing touch of Christ Jesus on cancer patients. May Christ life be gloriously manifested in us.


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